VDF Rouge Bangarang

  • Red
  • Grolleau, Gamay
Imported by: Louis Dressner

Winemaking Information

The grapes and vinification change every vintage. 
SO2: At bottling
Fining/Filtration: Unfined/Unfiltered

Vineyard Information

Appellation: Vin de France
Soil Composition: Schist
Farming: Organic (certified)

Fun Facts: When this wine first came out a few years ago, I (Jules) instantly texted Joseph Mosse to make sure they hadn't named a cuvée after the horrendous Skrillex song of the same name. Fortunately, he comforted me by telling me it a reference to the lost boys' battle cry in Steven Spielberg's 1991 classic Hook. Although the Skrillex song does have a vocal stating: "shout out to my lost boys" indicating it too is referencing the film...

Thanks to importer Louis/Dressner for details above